Web app for live bets


The goal of this project was to create a low-fidelity prototype for a web application for making bets during live streamings. My job was to draw the wireframes and design the user flow and the whole experience.

The idea of live bettings

A group of young YouTubers that show crazy stunts on their channel, wanted their followers to have the same experiences. They had this idea to make an online platform where anyone could make a challenge, compete with each other and live stream it. To guarantee the highest adrenaline levels possible, they wanted their followers to make bets and win some money, everything in a very limited time.

This is how it works

Take up challenges

People sign up for a secret challenge. Two participants are randomly selected. In the meantime, there is voting and rating for which stunt to perform. Every minute the timer ends and the most popular stunt wins. In 60 seconds the matched pair have to decide to take it or give up.

Make bets

If they take it the bettings begin. The participants have one day to prepare themselves. They start the Livestream at the appointed time.

Win money!!

This pays off because they take much off the win.

The idea of live bettings

Before I sketched wire flows, I draw user flows in diagrams to analyse and decide the logic of this experience. Wireflows let me precise the functionalities on every view.

Move the image below left and right to see the diagram:
This is a user flow diagram.

Wireflow sketches

Video with wireframe prototype

The last stage of the process was to make a clickable prototype to verify and test the designed solutions. The prototype lets UI designers and developers have a reference for this product.

Thanks for watching!

A funny gif with a man bungee jumping